Welcome to S&S RV Adventures ! We are here to share with you our expeditions as we begin our journey of living full-time in a 45ft motorhome, traveling the country, meeting amazing people and learning new things.
We will write reviews in several categories - but we need your input to make sure we are providing the content you need. So please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and subscribe to our You Tube channel that is currently an in-progress venture.
In addition to the reviews, we will document our experiences whenever possible so you can have the information to form your own opinion. Please let us know if there is information you'd like to see by messaging us on Facebook or commenting on a video or post. We will explore resorts, overnight stops, attractions and restaurants.
We realize that opinions are just that - but we will try to be objective and explain each rating and state when it may be a personal preference driving the rating.
Category | Attribute | One Star Means | Five Stars Mean |
ALL | Cleanliness | Filthy | Immaculate |
ALL | Safety | Stay Away | No Worries |
Stay (Resort Reviews) | Cost | More than $100/Night | Less than $35/Night |
Stay (Resort Reviews) | Convenience | 10+ Miles from everything | Within a mile of necessities |
Eat (Restaurant Reviews) | Cost | Less than $15/entree | Over $50/entree |
Eat (Restaurant Reviews) | Food Quality | Over Processed or spoiled | Fresh and tasty |
Eat (Restaurant Reviews) | Service | Poor | Exceptional |
Eat (Restaurant Reviews) | Atmosphere | Boring or bland | Unique or |
Adventure/ Relax (Attractions Reviews) | Fun Factor | Boring / stressful | Exciting / Ethereal |
Adventure/ Relax (Attractions Reviews) | Dont Bother | Great Value for the Cost |
